7th Tradition
Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

Your contributions helps make sure there is a place for compulsive eaters to meet and share their recovery.
Many churches and other establishments are generous in providing meeting room space, however, they do charge nominal rent to cover their heating/air conditioning, housekeeping and other operating costs.
Your donation also goes toward covering the purchase of supplies, literature and any group workshops or special events.
When OA was established in 1960, the suggested donation was $1. A candy bar was a nickel. Stamps were 3 cents. $5,000 bought a luxury automobile. Times have changed. A dollar will not buy as much as it did then. A donation of $5 or more for each meeting is suggested, however, there are no dues or fees to participate.
After each group has met their expenses and put aside a Prudent Reserve, it is suggested that the remainder be distributed to OA service bodies:
10% to Region III
To make a contribution by mail or online:
If you have questions, contact the Region 3 Treasurer at [email protected].