Submitted for consideration at the RIII Assembly on (date):
Required label>
Applications are due 45 days prior to Fall Assembly
I am applying for a position on the Region III Steering Committee as:
Vice Chairperson (Odd Years) Digital Content Coordinator (Odd Years) Treasurer (Odd Years) Chairperson (Even Years) Recording Secretary (Even Years)
Number of Years of Service beyond Group Level br>
Date Continuous Abstinence Began (Month/Year) br>
REGION III STEERING COMMITTEE REQUIREMENTS: Listed in Bylaws of Region III Of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. (Article VII).
Be a member of OA for at least two years and be regularly attending OA meetings in Region III.
Have served at the Region III level for at least six (6) months or participated in at least two (2) Region III Assemblies.
Have current abstinence, each person being the sole judge of his or her abstinence, from compulsive overeating for at least one year and have completed the Fourth and Fifth Steps in OA.
Make a commitment of adherence to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of OA Service, and the continual maintenance of abstinence, throughout the entire term(s) of office.
Must be present at the Assembly when elections are taking place.
Each Region III officer is expected to adhere to all bylaws and policies adopted by Region III. They shall keep intact all papers and materials received upon and during their term of office, to be turned over to their successor upon leaving office. The first duty of all officers shall be to attend all Region III meetings unless excused.
I commit to physical, emotional and spiritual recovery, one day at a time, while serving on the Region III Steering Committee Board. As a board member, I pledge to provide support and encouragement to the recovery of my fellow board members, and to talk honestly about my perceptions of relapse or denial with kindness and love.
As a Region III Steering Committee Nominee, I declare and affirm by my signature below:
I meet all REQUIREMENTS set forth in the RIII Bylaws as listed above.
I have read and understand the DUTIES for this position set forth in the R III Bylaws.
I have read and understand the BEST PRACTICES for this position (posted at
I will to the best of my ability perform the specific duties and responsibilities of this position.
Date Signed
Electronic Signature: By typing your name you are signing the instrument,.
APPLICANT’S QUALIFICATIONS: (Please briefly complete each section. Keep it simple and limit responses to the space provided below. Thanks)
You are free to write your answers in Word or some other word processing program and copy and paste in this space.